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Ingenuity " casting": Ningxia Xinrui won the Foundry Expo gold medal
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The 16th Chinese international foundry Expo was held in Beijing in May , during which Ningxia Xinrui foundry stood out with its numerically controlled machine LS120 ,which won the “Gold medal of high quality castings ” price for it’s first exhibition.

Chinese international foundry Expo attracts thousands of famous enterprises and more than 100,000 specialists from different countries and regions every year, which is the largest and most authoritative foundry fair of China. The award of " golden medal of high quality castings" was set to select products with high-tech level and complex technological structure , which was highly recognized, aiming at encouraging enterprises to carry out technological innovation and constantly striving for new peaks of technological progress.

Experts of foundry industry made research and comparison on technical materials and exhibits on the Expo ,while the numerically controlled machine  LS120 of Xinrui was on exhibit with 150 exhibitions from 102 foundry enterprises . Xinrui won the “Gold medal of high quality castings ” price and was highly evaluated by the experts for its performance and quality together with its brotherhood.

" at the Expo, we not only saw the advanced casting technology, but also felt the activity of the casting market. Xinrui foundry will pay more attention to

improve ourselves while summing up experiences in order to create more brilliant. " said Ningxia xinrui representative.

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