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Railway and Mobility

It is composed of a number of core subsidiaries, engaged in the development and production/supporting of rail transportation products; It's mature product series include propulsion & driving system, signaling system, HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) System, and assorted equipments of gears &driving system, traction motor, etc. The products have been widely equipped in the fields of high-speed EMU, locomotive and different urban mass transit systems of metro, monorail, tram, APM(Automated People Mover), etc. In recent years, the subsidiaries to Railway & Mobility Business Section have raised to a dominant group in the industry of railway, proving the best products and services for customers in China.

1. Railway and Mobility Products Layout On Train
Pressure wave protection system
Cab air conditioning unit
Traction transformers, converters
Signalling system
Air condition unit in car
Traction motor
Gear driving system
Steel aluminum composite conductor rail

2. Main Achievements

Railway and Mobility Subsidiaries


新誉庞巴迪信号系统有限公司(以下简称“BNS”)是从事轨道交通信号系统、通信及综合监控系统等业务的合资企业,由新誉集团有限公司和庞巴迪运输集团瑞典有限公司共同出资设立,于2015 年6 月开始运营。公司已通过ISO9001质量认证、ISO14001环境认证、OHSAS18001职业健康安全认证、信息系统集成及服务资质认证等,为BNS的持续稳健发展奠定了坚实的基础。


CITYFLO 650 ‐ 新一代自动化无人驾驶系统

CITYFLO 650 方案是先进的基于无线通信的移动闭塞系统,广泛应用于地铁、轻轨、跨座式单轨以及胶轮捷运系统(APM),可实现列车自动驾驶(ATO)、全自动无人驾驶(UTO);通过先进的无线技术,实现车地双向通信,满足列车自动化运行。

CITYFLO 150 ‐ 适用于有轨电车的模块化技术

CITYFLO 150信号系统解决方案整合了信号和辅助系统,适用于有轨电车。

EEA‐62/64 型转辙机—适用于有轨电车

该类型的转辙机被特设在有轨电车两轨之间,可单独安装或埋入在路面中。该类型转辙机可联合作业于多种类型的有轨电车的道岔上,轨间距为1000mm 到1435mm。


CITYFLO 650 CBTC信号解决方案在世界范围内已有28 个投入商业运营,18 个正在执行中。CITYFLO 150 信号解决方案在中国、波兰、英国、意大利等国家多个项目上成熟应用。此外,EEA‐62/64型道岔转辙机已在中国广州(海珠区)有轨电车中成熟应用。


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